July 25, 2016

2 Workers Apartment Rungkut Surabaya Falling from 11th Floor

SURABAYA – Two construction workers in Surabaya Rungkut Apartment tower lift the host died after falling from the 11th floor Allegedly, the elevator fell after slingnya wire broke. The two victims were identified as Nur Furqan (31), a resident of Pati, Central Java, was killed with a wound in the head, and Nur Kamid (40), a resident of Grobogan, Central Java, were killed by the devastating wounds on the head, hands, and feet. This started from two victims who had gone upstairs to bring building materials by using the lift. But when they arrive at the 11th floor, suddenly breaking wire sling lift, so the free fall.

Both body builders who are in this lift was also dropped hit the earth. One was rushed to hospital, but eventually died while in transit. Police officers immediately conducted an investigation into the deaths of two workers this building. A police investigation led to the safety standards in the construction of the tower apartment. Meanwhile, both the victim’s body was immediately taken to Doctors Hospital morgue for an autopsy Sutomo Surabaya. Then, the second victim was taken to his hometown for burial. Source: daerah.sindonews.com Source: images.cnnindonesia.com

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