Pentingnya Uji Riksa Peralatan dalam Menjaga Keselamatan di Tempat Kerja

Uji Riksa

Pengertian Uji Riksa Menjaga keselamatan kesehatan kerja dalam operasi industri, pasti harus melibatkan seluruh pihak yang terlibat, baik pekerja, kontraktor, lingkungan kerja, tempat kerja dan termasuk peralatan yang digunakan. Salah satu cara untuk memastikan bahwa peralatan kerja yang digunakan selama perusahaan beroperasi adalah dengan melakukan uji riksa terhadap setiap peralatan tersebut. Uji riksa adalah suatu metode untuk menjaga…

Vendor QHSE Audit

Safety and risk management is a complex and dynamic field. We can help you through the maze of local and international regulations designed to protect workers and the general public. Regulatory agencies are increasing enforcement of health and safety standards and imposing penalties for non-compliance. Our staff of certified safety professionals and safety technicians can…

Vendor QHSE Audit

Vendor QHSE Audit

Safety and risk management is a complex and dynamic field. We can help you through the maze of local and international regulations designed to protect workers and the general public. Regulatory agencies are increasing enforcement of health and safety standards and imposing penalties for non-compliance. Our staff of certified safety professionals and safety technicians can…

Safety Assesment

Industrial Hygiene Each of our comprehensive industrial hygiene assessment is unique, and tailored to specific worksite needs. The assessment might arise for biological, chemical and physical factors. Following services such as Explore MoreSafety and Risk Management Assessment Safety and risk management is a complex and dynamic field. We can help you through the maze of…