training ahli muda K3 konstruksi

Emergency Preparedness

We observe that not all accidents can be prevented. Effective emergency preparedness means planning and practicing in advance so that, in the event of an emergency, the harm to people, the environment and to the business is minimized. Firstly, potential emergencies should be identified and categorized. Plans should then be developed to respond to these…

Incident Management System

Konsultasi Incident Management System

Tingginya risiko tingkat kecelakaan yang terjadi di beberapa perusahaan membuat banyak perusahaan mengalami kerugian baik dari sisi efisiensi biaya, waktu dan tenaga kerja. Pencegahan atau minimal pengurangan kejadian kecelakaan kerja dapat dicapai salah satunya dengan mencari penyebab dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecelakaan kerja. Untuk itu penyelidikan terhadap accident mutlak diperlukan untuk meminimalisir bahkan menjadikan…

training ahli muda K3 konstruksi

Contractor Safety Management System

Tenaga kontraktor dewasa ini sudah semakin mendominasi di dunia kerja. Hampir separuh bahkan lebih dalam suatu operational, dikuasai oleh kontraktor. Mereka terlibat dari mulai tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan sampai dengan pengawasan kerja. Karenanya kegiatan para kontraktor tersebut mempunyai tanggung jawab serta resiko yang besar. Kesadaran akan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja penting untuk terus ditumbuhkan karena hal…

Training Ahli K3 Umum

Latar Belakang Training AK3 Umum Setiap hari kerja di dunia terjadi kecelakaan kerja. Sekurang-kurangnya seorang meninggal dan lebih dari 6000 orang menderita luka akibat kerja. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, kecelakaan meninggal dan sakit akibat kerja memerlukan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh Perusahaan, disamping kerugian akibat karena kerusakan properti atau kerusakan peralatan, serta hilangnya produktifitas .Training ahli…

Evacuation Symbol and Map Provision

Nowadays, the emergency preparedness facilities become subtle and important to be provided on, especially on public area and facilities that held many peoples activities around it . This also being strengthened on local and international regulations. Our unique services combine the Emergency Preparedness Assessment with also related symbol and map. So, you will get the…

Safety Building Construction Assessment

Safety and risk management is a complex and dynamic field. We can help you through the maze of local and international regulations designed to protect workers and the general public. Regulatory agencies are increasing enforcement of health and safety standards and imposing penalties for non-compliance. Our staff of certified safety professionals and safety technicians can…

Fire Risk Assessment

We are committed to offering the most comprehensive, professional and personal service. All our clients value the fact that we are always available to offer advice and help whenever needed.   Our Fire Assessors are trained to the highest standard and have years of experience within fire safety and prevention. Our assessors are members of…

Safety and Risk Management Assessment

Safety and risk management is a complex and dynamic field. We can help you through the maze of local and international regulations designed to protect workers and the general public. Regulatory agencies are increasing enforcement of health and safety standards and imposing penalties for non-compliance. Our staff of certified safety professionals and safety technicians can…

Industrial Hygiene

Each of our comprehensive industrial hygiene assessment is unique, and tailored to specific worksite needs. The assessment might arise for biological, chemical and physical factors. Following services such as: Noise monitoring and hearing conservation assessment Radiation safety programs assessment Respiratory protection assessment Confined space assessment Ergonomic assessment Indoor air assessment Asbestos and lead assessment Download…

Industrial Hygiene

Each of our comprehensive industrial hygiene assessment is unique, and tailored to specific worksite needs. The assessment might arise for biological, chemical and physical factors.Following services such as: Noise monitoring and hearing conservation assessment Radiation safety programs assessment Respiratory protection assessment Confined space assessment Ergonomic assessment Indoor air assessment Asbestos and lead assessment Assess Now