August 20, 2016

Emergency Preparedness

training ahli muda K3 konstruksi

We observe that not all accidents can be prevented. Effective emergency preparedness means planning and practicing in advance so that, in the event of an emergency, the harm to people, the environment and to the business is minimized. Firstly, potential emergencies should be identified and categorized. Plans should then be developed to respond to these emergencies. Systems for emergency communication should be established and technical systems, for example, for fire protection and emergency power, should be put in place. Emergency teams of experienced personnel should be established to execute the emergency plans and their competence should be assured through regular drills and exercises. Finally, adequate first aid and medical support should be available if required

This course is specially designed for personnel responsible for controlling emergency situations, mainly relates to petroleum/mining/petrochemical industries. We are realizing that no matter how efficient the precautionary measures are disaster may take strike at any moment without warning.

Once a fire, explosion toxic gas release does occur it is too late to think of prevention. Advanced planning is the key. We have to prepare for disaster because it is impossible to eliminate all disaster hazards

To assist participants how to control the use of resources for controlling emergency situations

How to develop a sound Emergency Procedures as well as to establish and manage an Emergency Control Center.

On the completion of the course, the participants will be more confident to act as Emergency Response Team/Coordinator for handling major emergencies.

Who should attend:

Manager, supervisor, coordinator technician, Participants who attend are advised also includes the ā€˜key personnelā€™ whose activity allows an impact on the management of emergency response.


Use of excellent interactive materials of national standards

Power Point Presentation on all topics

Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz & Examination

Schedule & Agenda:

Course & Workshop will be delivering in 2 (two) days (at 08.00 am until 17.00 pm)

Language Usage:

All training materials to use in Bahasa Indonesia


by synergy


IDR 4,000,000 (2 days)


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